From Mining Engineer To Small Business Consultant [Podcast]

Podcast #184 – Pivoting from Being a Mining Engineer to Starting a Small Business Consulting Business


Gene states it best in his LinkedIn About section:

The life of a contractor is not an easy one.

You’ve grown up in the construction industry and building is in your blood. This isn’t a job. This is who you are. You’re able to bring all your knowledge, experience, and passion for doing what you do best – build stuff. You build the structures that define our world today!

As you build, though, you realize that you need money. Sometimes you’ve got lots of money in the checking account and sometimes nothing.

I get it. I was shoveling out a feeder conveyor at my father’s gravel pit when I was 10 years old. I was helping him install kitchens and pour concrete when I was 17. I watched him struggle with cash flow his whole life.

I went to college to learn how to build mines and I did that for 40+ years. Once you start building, you’re addicted!

We are Eagle Managerial Bookkeeping. We’ll do your bookkeeping and help change your dreaded bookkeeping into a profit center! You’ll know where your money is and where it’s going.

We’ll set up your transactions into categories you understand. We’ll prepare monthly reports, so you know what’s going on. Then we’ll help you identify where there are opportunities. It’s bookkeeping on steroids! It’ll be fun – I promise!

I’m an engineer with an MBA and over 40 years of experience designing, building and operating mines in the USA and Latin America (that’s my last mine in the picture above).

My team and I will help you get control of your cash flow by using the same tools and techniques I’ve used my whole career. You’ll be able to sleep at night without worrying whether you can meet your payroll. You’ll be confident that when you talk to your banker or tax-preparer because you have all the information they need to help you.

Check out the Career Pivot Community.

Now on to the podcast…

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Gene grew up working around gravel pits with his father.

He received a degree in mining engineer. He moved around Central and South America. He thoroughly enjoyed his career.

He retired at 67 years of age and moved to Houston.

Gene and his wife started to look around to start a virtual business because they spend part of the year outside of the US.

Gene took an online course from Ben Robinson called Bookkeepers Business Launch.

Eagle Managerial Booking is Gene’s business.

Gene focused on small construction companies.

Next was to learn to market on LinkedIn. He joined a community (Josh Turner’s LinkedSelling)

He read the book Getting Naked: A Business Fable About Shedding The Three Fears That Sabotage Client Loyalty.

Gene is writing a book as a business fable. Gene is working with Russ Eanes to write his book. Check out Russ’s website here.

Listen to Russ’s episode on this podcast — Russ Eanes Turns the Walk of a Lifetime into a Writing and Consulting Career #143 [Podcast]

Career Pivot Community

The community and the weekly mastermind group keep him accountable. Gene is trying new things all of the time. This is now part of who he is.

Through community he has learned:

  • Copywriting
  • Sales processes
  • Internet Marketing

Gene wakes up every morning and he now has a purpose.

Email Gene by clicking here.

Connect with Gene on LinkedIn at

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Marc Miller  

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Author: Brenda Fludd

The world is changing and the speed of changes is increasing every day. There is a time in our lives when we realize that we can not rely on others to bring us what we want and need in our life. I am a lifestyle coach and my mission is to help people discover their inner power and guide them on their path to freedom, success and how to design our luxury lifestyle. I offer courses on how to be successful in online and home based business. How to design your personal freedom. And I also offer personal mentorship. Take care and enjoy

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